Weee. My antey wati got invitation pii wedding kat KDCA ^^ haha. Besh, atleast xpyah stay umah xD Lagi mmboringkan. LOL.
urm BTW, me ada invite skali Shafy pegii :) That's the first time kmi jumpa. Hahaha memg cute :D *wops, kembang. hahaha LOL.
Nasib time jumpa toe xla brapa kekok sgt. Dea ne pramah, x sombong or tlmpao pndiam :) Hormat org tua gak ^^ Hahaha. And tym toe gak sya rsa sya mcam B*tch neh xD bkan pa buh, pii sya xbrapa ska pkai dress neh. AND GUESS WHAT?! I WORE HiGH HEEL!!! Wahahahahahaha!! Ntah kalu tjatuh pa jadii xD
NWAY, my other fam's members pon get along well wip c Fee. Hahaha OMG, dea memg cam kueh PAO! Chubby tol! mcam maok picit2 neh pipi dea tym toe xD nsib ferz tym jmpa. hahaha. Tym wedding toe, my babah xikut. dea jalan pii pat lain.
Tym go to KDCA memg dah plan jumpa, pii yg plan pii umah me xda pla rancang papa xD hahaha. pii after dri wedding toe, Fee ikut blik umah me stay2. Takot gak if babah marah bab xpena me bwa kwan blik xD kwan pompuan tkecuali la, pi neh kwan lelaki xD
hahaha. Adooiii, my babah pon okay gak pla kalo me bwa kwan .. haha lelaki lae toe! JengJengJeng! Hahaha. Masok ja umah me, trus pgl my babah xD hahaha. Beradab la c Fee neh :) toe sya Respect arr ngan dea. hahaha. My babah xsangka mmberi respon yang mngejutkan. dea ska plak c Fee neh xD hahaha.
Kawan Fee xdpat amek mlam toe, jdi dea bmalam at my house ^^. Kebetulan tym toe kmie bkumpul stu fam celebrate birthday my lil sis. xla buat besar2an, stakat kumpul2 gitoe ceja. hehe. Tgk la nant, mgkin uat invivtation tuk somwa :) That night gak me rasa 1st tym kawan me, lelaki, help cuci dishes d dapur xD OMG~ me rasa jahat gak la bab me yg suru dea cuci xD Hahahaha. LOL!
Mlam toe gak kmie men game ^^ game pa? adalaa. hahaha!! My mama suru me tnya gak dea kalo dea want to take a shower. hehe. Takut nant dea xslesa pla. My babah tgk dea xslesa toe kalu tido gune jeans, jadi yeah, memandang kan my babah seja la yg lelaki d family me, jadi babah lah yang meminjamkan baju t-shirt to him :) cute la tgk dea pkai bju babah. hahaha! SAME SIZE? hohohoh :D.
And yeah, we talk a lot gak malam toe xD ahahaha crita2 la sambil play game. hahaha. My sis and antey renz also byk gak crita2 with him :) hahaha. Somwa la my fam :) haha. LOL. wanna know something? HIS DIMPLES ARE THE CUTEST ONE I'VE EVER SAW! Hahaha even buatan xD hahaha. Pi tatap cute! *Claps for you SHAFY! ^^
-To Continue-
Something About Me
- EnnaChabeyRawr
- Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Buh, Malaysia
- The name's Enna Chabey Shahzriennah. Enna for short.8teen years old in age(2011). I live here, in Sabah Malaysia. lol. yups, still studying in DPM's High School, taking Business&Trade election. Joined the Photography Club and guess what? im the 2nd Leaders there ;) Im a pure Malaysian without any mixture. So now you know my NASL, dont ask more ;)
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February 20, 2011
February 17, 2011
Thanks To This DUDE!
Waaa! secara rasminya sya mendapat pujian atas hobby saya yg ska m'LIKE' status/wallpost orang2 kat FaceBook ^^ Orang toe adalah, EYAN!! *Claps! ^^ Oley kerna takde keja d buat, sya tlah mjadi 'mesin LIKER' d facebook :) sudah menjadi Part time job sya kot :P hahaha.
Makaseh la bab mem'promote diriku ini d blog mu, wahai Encik Eyan ^^ wakakaa. Kamsamnida :P
sebagai balasan, sya akan promote gak page anda walao pon d blog ku neh cuma ada 20 followers xD LOL
Hehehee ^^ and biarpon dea bnyak followers dari sya, pii guys, JOM FOLLOW DEA! Besh buat tour kat blog nya~ hehehe. memg xkan boring punya ^^ Lagu blog dea pon best :) hehehe. so Thanks again, Mr.Yan! hohohoh ^^
Tak kenal? Tak kenal maka x cinta xD neh la Jejaka yang sya cakap toe.~
Mr.Eyan / Mohd Solehan <3
So, yelah, jom round2 blog nya, okay? hehehehe :))
FaceBook : http://www.facebook.com/mohdsolehan
February 15, 2011
Waaaa!! kamo xtao ka pa crita panas d FACEBOOK skang neh? neh pasal FAKERS! jangan cakap orang lain la. sbenarnya sya lah mngsa yg sedang d faking skang neh. OMG.~
tak habis2 dak tpe amek pic sya buh. Sya dpat tao yg dak toe orang sarawak. Miri kalao x silap. umo dlam lingkungan 14-16 tahun. adedehh .. budak masih rupanya.
"Aniesa Umang Is A Faker"
Heran gak la. napa la dorang neh berbesar hati sgt maok kc femez orng neh arr? dorang neh mcm takda muka la nak show. Tak habis2 gambar sya la gak yg kao sambar. Perr arrr kao neh. nak cakap x berakal, xbleh gak. Umo dah brapa, bkan budak2 lagii. Adeh.. BTW, dorang gak ada buat satu Fanpage d FaceBook 'Aniesa Umang Is A Faker'. Oh yeah! Toe la namanya! ANiESA UMANG. Dulu dea pena uat fanpage dea gak sendiri. Nama Fanpage dea kalau x silap sya 'ANIESADELLANA FANPAGE'.
"ANiEsAdeLLanA Fanpage"
Waaa.~ Siap dgan dua FANPAGES. Satu page tuk diri dea sendiri, satu lae dea guna pic sya. Aduii.~ Snggup buh dea kc Femez muka 20sen sya neh dri dea kc femez muka dea sendiri buh. Hahaha! Terima Kasih la bebanyak wahai ANIESA UMANG, but NO THANKS!! Tak serik2!
Dulu sya dengan antie sya pena spam komen kat fanpages dea (yg dea guna pic sya). sampaikan kitorang plak yg kena warning facebook bab tlampao spamming xD adeh LUCU! pii bkan sya jerr, sape2 pon memg xsuka kalu pic dea d amek orang. Betol x? huhuhu!
BTW, ada gak kawan2 sya buat INTERVIEW dengan sya.*aisehh xP .. dorang nak kepastian kalau sya neh orang yg sebenar atao fake. neh pic2 conversations kmie.
Neh conversations sya ngan kwan sya yg uat fanpage "Aniesa Umang Is A Faker". Nama FB nya Qyrawr Elmoe. Dea tul2 hate orang yg fake neh :) Thanks to her bab uat page toe ^^ nway, banyak lgi converstaions sya dgan Orang Sarawak yg lain, pii nanti ada msa sya update crita neh. Back to ANIESA UMANG, dea ada gak uat account kat RUMAHPANJAI??
Dorang cakap orang yang uat acc kat cana kebnyakannya orng Sarawak Jer.~ Tak taok la, pii SWEAR TO GOD, sya xpena buat papa account kat cana! DAMN.~ Nasib ada pengintip terhebat kat Facebook :D THANKS GUYS! I OWE YOU GUYS DAMN MUCH :P
Oh yeah, antara bnyak2 post kat cana, neh la paling GELI HATI sya maok baca buh! wakakakaka!!
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OMG.~ Sudahla faker, maok berjanji mao jumpa lgi toe?? wahhttaa?? Ahahaha!!
ANIESA ANIESA, kao la orang paling menang TAHAP GABAN dalam dunia neh taok xD Ntah topeng mana lgi kao pii tempah neh tuk jdi sya xD
P/S : Hoii niesa, kalau topeng tiruan mu toe dah siap, bgi tgk aku arr? mna tao ada gak yg leh ku perbetulkan jika ada part batang hidong yg slah uat kerr xD
wakakakakaka!! TAMBiRRR CEJA KAO NEH TAOK!
Okaii2, last informations, nama sya yg betul SITI NORHSHAHZRIENNAH, bukan ANIESA UMANG. Umo taon neh (2011) 18 taon, lepasan SPM. Bukan lagi budak2 yg linkungan umo dlam 14-16 taon. And yang paling penting, SAYA ORANG PENAMPANG, SABAH! bukan ORANG SARAWAK, okay? ^^ Sabah dan Sarawak bkan stu tempat/kawasan yang sama ataopon satu daerah. Kalau anda bfikir yg Sbah and Sarawak toe stu kawasan yg sama, sila lah RUJUK PETA MALAYSIA. Pe pnya warganegara. Peta Malaysia pon x pass! Hahahaha! Jadi kalau ada nmpak sya d Sarawak, toe mungkin orang yg seiras sya atao pun kemungkinan HANTU! Kalau sya pii Sarawak pon, maybe time toe cutii2 Hujung taon/Cutii2 Malaysia xD hahahaha! Pii papa hal, sya always akan UPDATE crita neh. whether d blog, or Facebook :)
Wanna Visits my other LINKS? Cek kat tepii2 kotak kat page blog sya neh. Ada d sediakan tuk anda :) RumahPanjai.com or whatever that, sya takde buat, so jgan memadaii cakap yg sya ada account d pat laen. Oh MSN/MySpace pon sya ada, pii xda tersenarai kat dalam list toe. Kalao nak email sya, KOMEN sini. AND kalao ada papa info yang nak share atao kalau korang dpat jejak faker sya toe, PLEASE SESANGAT, tlong PM sya xkira kat mana2 LINKS sya toe,okay? Atao pling bgus, *sekiranya anda ada FACEBOOK, tapii sya percaya somwa pon memg ada uat facebook xD* tolong search nama PAGE : Aniesa Is A Faker, then KLiK 'LiKE' tuk page toe. kalao segan2, leh la send mesej kat FaceBook sya :)
Link tersedia di tepiii neh -------------------------------->
Carii sampaii dapat ^^ FanPage sya ada gak kat cana :) So.......
February 14, 2011
Diriku yang BODOH
Tengah layan lgu 'Tak seindah malam kemarin - d'bagindas'. Sedih sgat arr lgu neh. LOL
Leh mngalirkan airmata, ceh knun. tapii memg tul aarr. Ada makna la neh lgu :(
trus sya tringat neh si dea :( dea tinggalkan sya dlu demi pompuan laen. susah sgat la nak crii yg jujur skg neh :(
sya tau la, sya neh yg xbleh kuar umah, jumpa slalu, pii prasaan cinta toe tetap xkan brubah :9
pii dea xfaham keadaan sya. huhuhuh!
Tiapa la :) yang penting skang kao heppy la dgn pompuan plihan hati mu etoe :)
Sya doakan korang bhagia smpaii bila2 :)
Gpon, sya tgk pompuan toe bek and sopan, so,*CLAPS!
Good choices. :)
Sayang you , ****** :))
February 12, 2011
Sandii oww :(
Huhuu punya la malanggg :(( napa buh sya neh, udah la mnyusahkan, trus bikin stress urg ceja buh :(
sya taok la sya neh shepa gak, huhuh. jadi sya takkan slahkan kao :( gpon kao memg teiida slah pon lam neh hal . sya uda ready2, trus dpat kes plak :( huhuh bla la hidup sya maok jdii perfect sikit arr? sikit pon bleh la, xpayah byak2. Ehlaaa. STRESS! bgus lae sya neh bkan milik sepa2 oww. teiida gak sya kc sakit atie urg skeliling sya. pii mampoii lagi bgus kot :( STUPID TALK.~ Lol.
Hurmm nvm la, bkan sya xbesha blik2 blaku hal cam neh. tiap taon pon gtoe kalii. huhuhuh.
hope dea faham keadaan sya :( cmna sya faham dea slama neh, gtoe la sya harap dea akan faham dgn kdaan sya yg tdak mngizinkan neh. HOPE SESANGAT!! Goshhh.~ Hurmm nant nak ubah la somwa kdudukan blog sya neh. nak kc trip cikit. yg unik and org laen xleh ikot :P hahahak!! Bodok.~ atao lgi baek uat yg simple ceja. xpayah ada layout sgala. lgii teiida org leh ikot xD hahaha!
tpaksa gmbar kekawan somwa remove. biar kosong ruangan tepii toe. Pii tgk la dlu amcm. Thats all yaw. Papaii and OUT!
February 11, 2011
CHOCOLATE is a raw or processed food produced from the seed of the tropical Theobroma cacao tree. Cacao has been cultivated for at least three millennia in Mexico, Central and South America, with its earliest documented use around 1100 BC. The majority of the Mesoamerican people made chocolate beverages, including the Aztecs, who made it into a beverage known as xocolātl, a Nahuatl word meaning "bitter water". The seeds of the cacao tree have an intense bitter taste, and must be fermented to develop the flavor. After fermentation, the beans are dried, then cleaned, and then roasted, and the shell is removed to produce cacao nibs. The nibs are then ground to cocoa mass, pure chocolate in rough form. Because this cocoa mass usually is liquefied then molded with or without other ingredients, it is called chocolate liquor. The liquor also may be processed into two components: cocoa solids and cocoa butter. Unsweetened baking chocolate (bitter chocolate) contains primarily cocoa solids and cocoa butter in varying proportions. Much of the chocolate consumed today is in the form of sweet chocolate, combining cocoa solids, cocoa butter or other fat, and sugar. Milk chocolate is sweet chocolate that additionally contains milk powder or condensed milk. White chocolate contains cocoa butter, sugar, and milk but no cocoa solids.
Cocoa solids contain alkaloids such as theobromine and phenethylamine, which have physiological effects on the body. It has been linked to serotonin levels in the brain. Some research found that chocolate, eaten in moderation, can lower blood pressure. The presence of theobromine renders chocolate toxic to some animals, especially dogs and cats.
Chocolate has become one of the most popular food types and flavors in the world. Gifts of chocolate molded into different shapes have become traditional on certain holidays: chocolate bunnies and eggs are popular on Easter, chocolate coins on Hanukkah, Santa Claus and other holiday symbols on Christmas, and chocolate hearts or chocolate in heart-shaped boxes on Valentine's Day. Chocolate is also used in cold and hot beverages, to produce chocolate milk and hot chocolate.
Around three quarters of the world's cacao bean production takes place in West Africa.
Cocoa solids contain alkaloids such as theobromine and phenethylamine, which have physiological effects on the body. It has been linked to serotonin levels in the brain. Some research found that chocolate, eaten in moderation, can lower blood pressure. The presence of theobromine renders chocolate toxic to some animals, especially dogs and cats.
Chocolate has become one of the most popular food types and flavors in the world. Gifts of chocolate molded into different shapes have become traditional on certain holidays: chocolate bunnies and eggs are popular on Easter, chocolate coins on Hanukkah, Santa Claus and other holiday symbols on Christmas, and chocolate hearts or chocolate in heart-shaped boxes on Valentine's Day. Chocolate is also used in cold and hot beverages, to produce chocolate milk and hot chocolate.
Around three quarters of the world's cacao bean production takes place in West Africa.
My New HaiR. LOL
Dulu warna Merah,Coklat and Pinkish. Hahaha abish rosak rmbut.
pii skank warna laen lagii. warna pa? ahh tgk la SlideShow kat atas toe.
Eyaa ada edit skit, pii bkan wrna rmbut toe. yg toe ori, okay?
hahhaa LOL.
Ahh? Pa? Good? No Good?
Meh komen ckit la. jan ckap blakang plak xD hahaha.
Berani Cakap, Berani Komen Arr!
Hehehehehe :D
February 10, 2011
What is EMO ?
Emo is a genre of music and a term used to describe the looks of "Scene Kids" (those who listen to the music and follow the fashion trends).
You will hear people getting labeled differen't things, but the term is for the genre of music. Scene is used to describe the fashion or culture of the genre! The actual music is similar to indie rock or punk. It's not really the same music anymore as it was back in the 1980's or 1990's, although the term "emo" was taken from the pioneers of the earlier musical styles.
EMO Hairstyle and Fashion
Scene hairstyles really are one of the hottest trends and have influenced mainstream fashion and a lot of people don't even realize it. A lot of people in their mid 20's are now dressing scene and wearing the hair. The same people who make fun of kids for being emo-tional sometimes have been influenced by the trend more than they know.. Even those who can't name a real emo band. That is how this culture has become, less about the music and more about the fashion, but is that really such a bad thing? The music will survive, even if the term has been misapplied and stolen.
How To DRESS like EMO?
So you wanna dress emo? Dressing emo is fun and let's you express yourself. If your into fashion you like to try new looks on yourself and hey maybe you'll find your real inner emo in the process. The basic idea of dressing emo is to express who you really are. To show what's inside and not just what's outside.. Okay.. Well.. It's also really hot, and really cool.
Most emo guys and girls wear their hair short and wild, and wear tight fitting clothes with usually un-symmetrial and unbalanced designs like in the photo below. Like I said, it's all about expressing yourself and wearing what you like. Not what others are really doing to like. The BEST place to get cool emo clothes is at vintage thrift stores.. Find a comfy old school hoody or sweater. Find unique clothes. Make your own. Be unique...
Emo hair and emo hairstyles
Emo kids are popular for their amazing hair styles and fashion, and choosing the right hairstyle for yourself can be a long and hard process.. When choosing your new hairstyle it needs to be unique, but that doesn't mean that you can't use elements from someone elses hair and combine them into your own unique hair.
**What makes emo hair?
Emo hair is usually not bright pink or neon green, though it can be. Emo hair usually looks messy and spikey, even puffy. It can be uneven. It can be wild. Emo hair usually isn't symmetrical and highlights are common and help with the anti-symmetry. There are no set boundaries for "emo hair"... Guys hair is usually long but usually not past the ears. Girls hair can be long, but most often the hair is above the shoulders and is commonly the same length and most emo guys hair. Commonly for guys the hair is longer in the front than in the back.
PayBox.Me ?
Korang pena dgr tak website 'PayBox.Me' toe? Sya pon xpena dgr, tpi bnda neh sya tao dri antiie sya, Watibaby. Dea neh kira mcam ejen gak la. haha. Pii sya respect arr antie sya neh :P Wops, back to tajuk utama. Neh..erm cmna nak explain arr. Okie2, gney, dea neh lao korang uat akaun kat PayBox toe, sbagai permulaan korg akan di beri $ 25.00. Toe kira sbagai point permulaan laa..
Then korang leh post link PayBox korang kat mana2 page tuk promote. then kalao ada org Click Link korang and then join dri akaun korang, korang akan dapat point lgi. Best,kan? hehe.
Neh pon sya dgr dari Antiie sya toe :P hehehe. tak taok la kalao keterangan sya neh betol atao tak.
urm sya kalao dah dpat cukup points, sya kira nak purchase stu CAMERA DSLR. Hehehe. Kira nak amek Nikon. Bab sya dgr Nikon lagi okie berbanding Canon.
Or korang leh komen post neh tuk tanya sya papa :) InsyaAllah sya akan reply :D
February 9, 2011
what is GUiTAR?
The guitar is a plucked string instrument, usually played with fingers or a pick. The guitar consists of a body with a rigid neck to which the strings, generally six in number but sometimes more, are attached. Guitars are traditionally constructed of various woods and strung with animal gut or, more recently, with either nylon or steel strings. Some modern guitars are made of polycarbonate materials. Guitars are made and repaired by luthiers. There are two primary families of guitars: acoustic and electric.
Acoustic guitars (and similar instruments) with hollow bodies, have been in use for over a thousand years. There are three main types of modern acoustic guitar: the classical guitar (nylon-string guitar), the steel-string acoustic guitar, and the archtop guitar. The tone of an acoustic guitar is produced by the vibration of the strings, which is amplified by the body of the guitar, which acts as a resonating chamber. The classical guitar is often played as a solo instrument using a comprehensive fingerpicking technique.
Electric guitars, introduced in the 1930s, rely on an amplifier that can electronically manipulate tone. Early amplified guitars employed a hollow body, but a solid body was found more suitable. Electric guitars have had a continuing profound influence on popular culture. Guitars are recognized as a primary instrument in genres such as blues, bluegrass, country, flamenco, jazz, jota, mariachi, reggae, rock, soul, and many forms of pop.
The Story of STARBUKCS
Starbucks purchases and roasts high-quality whole bean coffees and sells them along with fresh, rich-brewed, Italian style espresso beverages, a variety of pastries and confections, and coffee-related accessories and equipment - primarily through its company-operated retail stores.
In addition to sales through our company-operated retail stores, Starbucks sells whole bean coffees through a specialty sales group and supermarkets. Additionally, Starbucks produces and sells bottled Frappuccino® coffee drink and a line of premium ice creams through its joint venture partnerships and offers a line of innovative premium teas produced by its wholly owned subsidiary, Tazo Tea Company. The Company's objective is to establish Starbucks as the most recognized and respected brand in the world.
To achieve this goal, the Company plans to continue to rapidly expand its retail operations, grow its specialty sales and other operations, and selectively pursue opportunities to leverage the Starbucks brand through the introduction of new products and the development of new distribution channels.
To achieve this goal, the Company plans to continue to rapidly expand its retail operations, grow its specialty sales and other operations, and selectively pursue opportunities to leverage the Starbucks brand through the introduction of new products and the development of new distribution channels.
GOD! I Want My Hair Like This!
Woahh.~ Nant sya Dye la rmbut sya hitam!
Saya admire Gilak Rambut Gney!
Wargghhh !! Sgatla memalukan !! Mumy sya ada terbaca uDa diary saya !! OH TiDAKK !!
eEeee mumy sya neh pon busyBody tol !! Dea ada tulis something lae toe lam diary sya xD LOL
Maok taok pa dea ckap ?? neh hah ...
"Hidup kita hanya boleh di anggap berjaya bila kita success dalam apa jua impian yang kita impikan. realisasikan dulu cita-cita, azam dan impian, sebelum mengejar sesuatu yng tidak ada kepastian..., yang hnya akan menjadikan kita sperti objek yang tiada guna.. Masa tidak akan mnunggu kita, jadi, berfikirlah sebelum membuat sesuatu yang akan mrugikan diri sndiri dan keluarga.~"
OhMaiiGuard =.=" sya sgatlah tekezut bila taok mumy sya ada tulis gtoe dalam Diary sya =.=" adooiiiii ..malu gila eh neh mcam .. EEEEEEE !! neh somwa slah adik sya lah neh :( kalao bkan dea yg amek dri lacii simpanan sya, ndak gak buh mumy sya tbaca xD LOL !!
Pii mumy sya ndak plak ckap papa .. marah pon tidak :P hhehe .. Kadang2 dea sindir gak sya neh .. my mom toe, kalao mcam me malas maok uat keja yg dea suru, dea pndaii mngugut neh hahahaha !!
dea cakap, "Jaga arr, bgtao babah pa yg enna tulis d dlam diary" .~ ADUHHH !! pa pnya mader neh ??!! hahaha !!
pi papa pon sya tetap RESPECT la cama mader sya bub SPORTING gak dgn sya xD hahahaa !!
I LOVE YOU MOMMY !! Muahhmuahh d PiPi :D
eEeee mumy sya neh pon busyBody tol !! Dea ada tulis something lae toe lam diary sya xD LOL
Maok taok pa dea ckap ?? neh hah ...
"Hidup kita hanya boleh di anggap berjaya bila kita success dalam apa jua impian yang kita impikan. realisasikan dulu cita-cita, azam dan impian, sebelum mengejar sesuatu yng tidak ada kepastian..., yang hnya akan menjadikan kita sperti objek yang tiada guna.. Masa tidak akan mnunggu kita, jadi, berfikirlah sebelum membuat sesuatu yang akan mrugikan diri sndiri dan keluarga.~"
OhMaiiGuard =.=" sya sgatlah tekezut bila taok mumy sya ada tulis gtoe dalam Diary sya =.=" adooiiiii ..malu gila eh neh mcam .. EEEEEEE !! neh somwa slah adik sya lah neh :( kalao bkan dea yg amek dri lacii simpanan sya, ndak gak buh mumy sya tbaca xD LOL !!
Pii mumy sya ndak plak ckap papa .. marah pon tidak :P hhehe .. Kadang2 dea sindir gak sya neh .. my mom toe, kalao mcam me malas maok uat keja yg dea suru, dea pndaii mngugut neh hahahaha !!
dea cakap, "Jaga arr, bgtao babah pa yg enna tulis d dlam diary" .~ ADUHHH !! pa pnya mader neh ??!! hahaha !!
pi papa pon sya tetap RESPECT la cama mader sya bub SPORTING gak dgn sya xD hahahaa !!
I LOVE YOU MOMMY !! Muahhmuahh d PiPi :D
She's So DAMN uniQue!
SHE's so awesome. She's more like a COPY PASTE of Lady GaGa in Black pipol's Version. lol.
She have an unique voice. almost like a techtonic sound, something. She's also a beautiful woman, which i think have a perfect shape. Maybe? well it's to me, i dont know what you guys think about it :)
Listen up to her Music Videos. Especially the Video "CHECK IT OUT". it's AWESOME! :))
She have an unique voice. almost like a techtonic sound, something. She's also a beautiful woman, which i think have a perfect shape. Maybe? well it's to me, i dont know what you guys think about it :)
Listen up to her Music Videos. Especially the Video "CHECK IT OUT". it's AWESOME! :))
February 8, 2011
Neh FANSIGN2 yang kawan2 ku uatkan tuk ku. BESH dapat trade fansign dengan dorg :D
bermacam2 muka and dorang la kawan2 ku yang ku SAYANG and HORMAT sesangat :D
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