Something About Me

My photo
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Buh, Malaysia
The name's Enna Chabey Shahzriennah. Enna for short.8teen years old in age(2011). I live here, in Sabah Malaysia. lol. yups, still studying in DPM's High School, taking Business&Trade election. Joined the Photography Club and guess what? im the 2nd Leaders there ;) Im a pure Malaysian without any mixture. So now you know my NASL, dont ask more ;)

February 10, 2011

PayBox.Me ?

Korang pena dgr tak website 'PayBox.Me' toe? Sya pon xpena dgr, tpi bnda neh sya tao dri antiie sya, Watibaby. Dea neh kira mcam ejen gak la. haha. Pii sya respect arr antie sya neh :P Wops, back to tajuk utama. Neh..erm cmna nak explain arr. Okie2, gney, dea neh lao korang uat akaun kat PayBox toe, sbagai permulaan korg akan di beri $ 25.00. Toe kira sbagai point permulaan laa..

Then korang leh post link PayBox korang kat mana2 page tuk promote. then kalao ada org Click Link korang and then join dri akaun korang, korang akan dapat point lgi. Best,kan? hehe.
Neh pon sya dgr dari Antiie sya toe :P hehehe. tak taok la kalao keterangan sya neh betol atao tak.
urm sya kalao dah dpat cukup points, sya kira nak purchase stu CAMERA DSLR. Hehehe. Kira nak amek Nikon. Bab sya dgr Nikon lagi okie berbanding Canon.
Or korang leh komen post neh tuk tanya sya papa :) InsyaAllah sya akan reply :D