Something About Me

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Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Buh, Malaysia
The name's Enna Chabey Shahzriennah. Enna for short.8teen years old in age(2011). I live here, in Sabah Malaysia. lol. yups, still studying in DPM's High School, taking Business&Trade election. Joined the Photography Club and guess what? im the 2nd Leaders there ;) Im a pure Malaysian without any mixture. So now you know my NASL, dont ask more ;)

March 20, 2011

UPDATE for 15-16/03 - TENOM marii *part 2

Rabu - 16/03

Maka tiba lah THE NEXT DAY kmi di tenom. hehehe. lol. yeah arie toe kmie blik uda ^^ stu malam jer go there. hehe. nway, bfore blik kk, abah ody plan bwa kmie
mlawat ke Tman Pertanian Negara ^^ kan kalo ikut kmie bmalam sana, pi xdpat cuz full, so sbgai ganti, kmie akan uat tour there. hahahar!
hurmm meg arie toe panas gla lar. pii on the first, kmie round2 there with lil train ^^ kira mcam kreta meronda la. not just us, but with the others too. sedara kmie yg mlam toe pon
semua ada ^^ biaar pon panas, pii kmie tetap enjoy that day :) bgambar mngalahkan artis! hahahr LOL prasan*. hahahr.
nyak gak pnambahan tmpat toe, and byak gak kekurangan nya..
Like, dlu yg last tym me go there, byk binatang2 kat cana, like ostrich, raindeer n bykla. pii skank dah takder la :( sad gak. huhuhu.. urm ada sum part kna ttup, cause nak upgrade.
kekurngan n klbihan gak la lam stu msa toe. hehehe. pii skank byk tmpat baru d buka. like wall castle park, waterfall park n byk la.. hehehe .. *claps!
hehehehe.. 16/03 neh x byak nak crita.. pii in short, kmie memg have fun la there, so Thanks to my abah for all ^^ mumuahh d PP abah :D

My sis, my aunt and Me !! Heheheh ^^

My lil sis, AMiERAH~

 Sya buang Tebiat sudah.~ =.="

My Big boss! hahahar. c Babah buh neh ^^

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